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Late Payment as Gezel

Dear Rabbi
Is there an issur in paying late rent of an apartment or store.


Yes, rent must be paid on time.

Paying late, which of course is a breach of contract, is considered a form of gezel (because money on time is worth money), and there is a concrete obligation to pay on time (see Machaneh Efraim 40; Avnei Milu'im 114:1; see also Imrei Binah, Gevias Chov 2, who writes that this is gezel for a different reason).

There is also a possible problem of bal talin (see comments below).

Best wishes.

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  1. Dear Rabbi
    I would like to thank you for your answer. Can you please tell me if falls under the lav of Lo Tolin.

    1. According to most authorities Bal Talin applies specifically to workers and to movables, but the Gra (339:1) writes that it applies even to the rent of property, and it is also possible that a building is not considered land (see Ahavas Chesed 9:5), so that it is definitely something that one should be stringent for.

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