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Discount Because of Mistaken Identity

If you vaguely know someone, and that person owns a store and you go shopping there, the owner mistakenly takes you for someone else, he says something like “oh wow its simcha from Florida, whatever you buy is half off”.

Should one embarrass him and tell him he has mistaken this person for someone else, or can he take the discount which could be stealing (he gave the discount because he thought the person was someone he knew?

Note:it is a very embarrassing situation because the owner should know who this person is, so to tell him that he was mistaken is really embarrassing.


Under the circumstances you should politely inform him of the mistake, and ask him if the 50% discount will still apply.

If a discount in price is given mistakenly, one cannot take advantage of the mistake, because this will involve a problem of ona’ah and of a transaction performed without full intent on the part of the seller.

Moreover, everybody makes mistakes sometimes, and I although a little uncomfortable, if the mistake is pointed out in the right way, this should not be a cause of embarrassment or anguish for the seller.

Best wishes.

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