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Am I a Levi?

Years ago I asked my grandmother what tribe were we from. Without hesitation she said “you are a Levi !” about 6 weeks later I asked my Rabbi Yonah Geller the same question. He took a month to get back to me and said “Levi.” I am 76 and wonder if this is really so?


I don’t know how your Rabbi found this out, but if he claims that you are a Levi, we can assume that that he did the necessary research, and that you are, indeed, a Levi.

Your grandmother’s response can also be relied upon, and her answer without hesitation indicates that this is the truth.

If the question would be whether you are a Kohen or not, the answer might be more complex, but as a Levi there are no major halachos that apply today (apart from being called up for Levi), so that you can certainly rely on these two witnesses.

Best wishes.

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