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Daniel Shalom as Name

Kvod Harav,

We just gave birth to a healthy baby boy, and are thinking about naming him Daniel Shalom, is that a good name? I would also appreciate if you could give me a deeper explanation of the meaning of the names.



The names are great.

The name Daniel derives of course from the prophet Daniel, who was one of the last prophets and among the most esoteric. Several hidden prophecies of the coming Redemption are included in his book.

The name includes the Name of Hashem (E-l), and the word Dan, meaning to judge, thus comprising the statement: “Hashem is judge” or “Hashem has judged.”

The name Shalom means Peace, and in a more general sense “completion.” The word Shalem, which are the root letters of the name, mean something that is whole and complete, and the city of Jerusalem is called Shalem in the Torah because of its special status as the City of G-d.

Works of Kaballah expound further on the meaning of Daniel and Shalom, and there are no bounds to the meaning that can be found in the Hebrew letters.

Hearty mazal tov wishes, and may you know only nachas from the new arrival.


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