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Flights of Angels

Can you help me locate the source of this quote? I have looked everywhere and simply cannot: “monin et mispar hatisot sh’kol malach af kiday limalay shlichuto” if this message successfully transcribes the hebrew as well it’s: מונים את מספר הטיסות שכל מלאך עף כדי למלא את שליחותו. Thanks!


You appear to have a slight misunderstanding of the quoted words.

I translate with an important addition in square brackets: “[The Sages] count the number of flights that each angel makes to fulfill his errand.”

This statement is true, and refers to the words of the Gemara in Berachos (4b), where Chazal indeed refer to different Malachim and write that each makes a different number of “flights” in fulfilling his errand.

Thus, the statement is simply a statement describing the words of Chazal in the Gemara.

Of course, the discussion of Chazal themselves is a deep issue that requires deeper discussion.

Best wishes.

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  1. Understood. But the actual words I quoted are not in the gemara. Are they found, in this form, in any actual text or are they only referring to the gemara quoted above?

    1. I am sure there are found somewhere in reference to the Gemara, but this does not appear to be in any kind of “primary source,” and the words probably derive from a late source.

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