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Used Dairy Pots for Meaty Soup



Friday, my daughter discovered that I had inadvertently purchased Chicken soup mix that was fleishig not pareve. I had used that in 3 milchig pots, and with milchig utensils, e.g. spatulas, ladels, etc. I can’t tell from the label how much of the soup mix was actually meat. It was listed as the fifth ingredient, but had no percentages associated with the listing. So, for example in a soup in a milchig pot that holds 4 gallons of water I might have used 1/2 cup of the soup mix. In the frying pan maybe a teaspoon, etc. etc. I have no way to recall exactly what was used. I haven’t used it in quite some time, but regardless it had been used. I served the food in several plastic bowls.

So, I need guidance on what I should do. Thank you very much.


The dairy pots that were used require kashering. This can be done by means of hag’alah. The pots should be submerged (if possible) in a larger pot full of boiling (bubbling) water. It is best to add some soap detergent to the water. If this is not possible the pot must be filled to the rim and the water brought to boil. Following this, a heated brick or stone (it can be heated on a fire; use tongs) is placed into the pot so that the water overflows.

The other utensils used with the soup will also need kashering (if they were dairy), or (if they were parev) have become meaty.

Although we don’t know the percentage of meat content in the soup, a meaty soup is also “meaty” and will render the utensils meaty.

Best wishes.

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  1. Shalom – What is the status of the soup if the dairy pot had not been used for actual dairy recently – used to make popcorn, spaghetti then eggs before used to make chicken soup with actual chicken? Thank you

    1. The soup is fine bedieved, provided the pot hadn’t been used for dairy within the past 24 hrs (see Yoreh De’ah 93:1).
      Best wishes again.

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