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Yahrzeit in Adar of Leap Year

When does one observe an Adar yahrzeit in a leap year?


For somebody who died on Adar of an ordinary year, the Shulchan Aruch (568:7) writes that one should observe the yahrzeit on Adar II. The Rema, however, notes that some say it should be observed on Adar I, and adds that some observe both.

The Mishnah Berurah (568:42) writes that the final custom noted by the Rema is the principle halachah.Therefore, it is correct to observe the yahrzeit twice.

For somebody who died on Adar I of a leap year, the Adar I date alone should be observed.

Although all the dates you write are given as Adar, I don’t know if the years were leap years or not. Check if the years of death were leap years or not, and determine the halachah based on the principles above.

For more details on the issue of questions between the two Adar months, please see here.

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