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Kashering Water Bar for Pesach


I have a water bar (tami4) which gives filtered water. It has two spouts, one that gives out cold water and the other hot water. Both spouts are next to each other (touching).

Hot water has poured directly onto coffee and teabags throughout the year. But also onto soup powder (which has gluten as an ingredient).

Can this water bar be used on Pesach for either hot or cold water?

The question is whether the gluten is already nullified  in the soup powder, if so then any steam from the hot water going up to the spout would not be considered chometz, or would it still be considered chametz?

If the gluten is nullified, then is it considered nullified once water has been added to it. Surely some of the water nullified it before the steam has a chance of hitting the spout?

If it is a problem, then can the spout be kashered? It is made of plastic.

Lastly, when kashering sink taps (made of steel), can I pour boiling hot water from this water bar into a cup and then pour that onto the sink tap? The same question applies to water boiled in a chametz pot, and then onto the taps. Or should any boiling water used for kashering only come from pots/kettles kosher for Pesach?

Thanks a lot,


Gluten might not be nullified in the soup powder. It is possible that the chametz is be'ein, and also possible that it gives taste to the mixture.

However, for this purpose it is sufficient to clean the water bar well, to boil the water and to release a cup of boiling water.

For purpose of kashering the tap a kettle is best (because it is a keli rishon), but in its absence pouring from a cup is fine.

Best wishes.


The Mishnah (Machshirin 5:10) mentions the concept of nitzok concerning matters of tumah and tahara, and the Gemara makes particular note of the concept concerning the prohibition of yayin nesech (and stam yeinam) -- see Avodah Zarah 72.

Concerning regular laws of kashrus, the Rema (Yoreh De'ah 1-5:3) rules that one should preferably be stringent for matters of nitzok, but that bedieved one can be lenient.

The reason for this is that many authorities write that the principle of nitzok, whereby a flow of a liquid creates a "connection" between the source and the target, does not apply to general matters of kashrus, and is reserved for issues of tumah and for wine (see Yam Shel Shlomo, Chulin Chap. 7, no. 37 (at the end), citing from the Maharil and the Terumas Ha-Deshen; see also Biur Ha-Gra, Yoreh De'ah 105:3).

Therefore, it is sufficient to rely on the steam that you have each time water is poured out for purposes of kashering. Kashering the tap is a similar issue, and doesn't require the highest level of kashering.


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