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Attending Child’s Wedding in Aveilus

there is a woman that is during the avel’s year for her father. Around, 6 mounths After kvurà, the daughter of this woman will be married.
The daughter, that is not in avelut status, would like do a regular wedding, whit music,dance and everything. For my knowlegde, the mother can go to the wedding party, but whit a shinnuy mode. During the lunch she will nead be like a waiter, help to serve to the table and go out from the room during the music time.
Now somebody told me that for a mother (in avel status for the father) the day of wedding of is son or daughter, there will be like a suspension from avelut’s rules for this day…
Which is the right rule?


Some authorities permit a parent to join in the wedding as usual, and one can rely on this.

Best wishes.


Although somebody within 12 months of aveilut must not participate at weddings, the case of a child is special because if he would not join in the celebration the joy of the newlywed couple would be affected.

Other authorities write that the parent should serve some food to participants etc. but for parents one can rely on the lenient opinion.

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