When is birkat hacohanim at the kotel for sukkot 2014?
Birkat Kohanim will take place on Sunday 18th Tishrei (12.10.14) at the Kotel.
The first Berachah (Shacharis) will be at 09:00 am and the second (Mussaf) at 10:00 am.
Best wishes.
When is birkat hacohanim at the kotel for sukkot 2014?
Birkat Kohanim will take place on Sunday 18th Tishrei (12.10.14) at the Kotel.
The first Berachah (Shacharis) will be at 09:00 am and the second (Mussaf) at 10:00 am.
Best wishes.
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who is the chazzan who does the birkat kohanim at the kotel on sukkot?
I do not know; the virtue is not the chazzan but the Kohanim.
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