Good Morning Rabbi:
My 32 yr. old son was diagnosed with an incurable spinal tumor.
Is there a mezuzah made with a meshaberach prayer?
Thank you.
The Mezuzah is a scroll that has written on it the Shma Yisrael prayer, by a trained scribe, in the detailed fashion described in the Written and Oral Law. The Mezuzah is then affixed to a doorpost of each room in one's dwelling [aside from the bathroom and closets]. Our tradition teaches that this special mitzvah provides protection for those dwelling in the home. Mezuzas written by a certified scribe can usually be purchased at your local Judaica store, if you have trouble locating one contact us and we can help.
The "Mesheberach prayer" is a prayer recited in synagogue services, usually during the reading of the Torah, for the recovery of the sick. Your Local Rabbi will be glad to take your sons name and add it to the list for this communal prayer.
Best Wishes for a speedy recovery, and many healthy years.