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Oral Torah

When did the Jews get the Oral Torah and from who.


The Oral Torah was received at Mount SInai with the giving of the Written Torah. It was given from G-d to Moses and the Jewish people as was the Written Law. In fact Jewish belief is that the Written Law is for the most part not understandable without the Oral Tradition which explains the Torah’s true intent and it’s commandments.

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  1. who did the translations for the oral Torah and why are there Jews that don’t believe in the oral Torah.

    1. It is not clear which translations you are referring to.
      Orthodox or “Torah” Judaism teaches the obvious, that without the Oral Torah, the Written Torah [Bible] is completely not understandable. Without an Oral tradition we would not even know which letters create which words, let alone the true intent of the Torah. Over the generations and until our very day and age there have been those misguided to believe that one can exist without the other. This has contributed to unprecedented Jewish ignorance and to our dismay increased levels of intermarriage.

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