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Greasy Residue

Is there a point in which a davar muat of shamnunis left on a kli is nosen taam lifgam according to all shitos? Also, if the small piece literally breaks into pieces of dust/dirt when crumbled (was not washed or kashered, just dried out to a week’s worth of sun exposure; it began as grease/residue), does it even have a din of a food or is it treated like neveilah srucha and is like afar be’alma?

Thank you, I await your response


Something which has decomposed to crumbly dirt, certainly loses it’s classification as food, and would not prohibit any mixture.

Greasy, oily residue on a kli which is still in it’s oily form is more questionable as it’s mixture into food such as meat or stew may not be l’fgam.

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