If I feel that I didn't say a bracha in Shemonah Esrei with proper kavana, may I say it over again if I did not yet say the actual bracha (i.e. Baruch Atah ect.)? Does it make a difference if I said Hashem's name or not? Thank you!
The MIshna Brura Siman 101 s"k 4 writes with regards to Birkas Avos that as long as one has not said Hashem' name in the bracha one should go back and repeat. This is because the avana of this bracha is essential. With regards to other bracho one is not obligated to do so, but it would seem this would be permitted.
Many bring in the name of the Chazon Ish that at this point one may go back and think in his mind the meaning of the words. This kavana "fills in" the words said without kavana.