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Afterlife According to Maimonidies

I recently read that the Rambam said the Olam Haba is actually just for souls where the people that have already passed on get revived for a few moments to see the Messianic Era in this world and then pass away again to the World to Come. The Ramban writes that Olam Haba is in this world with body and soul together enjoying the highest level connection to Hashem, and the people that have already passed on will be revived into their bodies and continue to live in this world which is the World to Come. I’ve always thought like the Ramban but it shocked me to read what Rambam said. How could the Rambam write that? You would think that he would say Olam Haba is in this world with body and soul and the Ramban would write that it’s just soul. But it’s the opposite! Why would the Rambam write that, I can’t just put it aside and say the Rambam is just wrong, he was an extremely wise man, what was is he trying to say with this statement he must have a reason to say this. This is really bothering me I hope you can help me understand and reconcile this. Thank you.


It is specifically the more rationalistic approach of the Rambam that would lead him to say this. Logically speaking the body is for the physical and the world to come which is eternal spiritual reward for Torah and Mitzvos should be done with the soul alone.

It is only the kabbalistic leaning of the Ramban whic teaches that ultimately the physical world will be rise to perfection and be one and the same as the spiritual world, as it was with Adam Harishon before the sin of the Eitz Hadass.

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