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Checking Apples

Shavoua tov Rav,

Subjets: Checking foods / Guerout in the U.S.A

1 – Checking foods – Apples

At the bottom of the apple appears sometimes a kind of a white net which doesn’t go through into the core. Sometimes there is a kind of purple/black round thing and stuck in it. Is it a spider? What is the consequence, without cutting half, by eating it?

2 – Guerout
I’m french, and I have problems of Parnassa and money ressources issues. Looking for job in hospitality, tourism, retailing (all jobs working on Chabbat), I am figuring out either going in Yisrael or in the USA. Do you think it is worthy to move over?

Todah rabah! Kol touv!
Bérakha véHatzlacha!


1 – If it was something only external and sitting on the surface of the apple, once it is removed and washed off, the apple may be eaten. This is assuming there is no hole going in to the apple.

2 – It is impossible to answer this question without knowing you and your situation up close. In general you have to ask yourself which place will be more conducive to growing in Judaism and as a person.

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