Dear Rabbi,
BH I've been giving maaser for a few years now and I normally only deduct my transport expenses to work. However, I am finding it impossible to save any money and I would really like to start putting some savings aside now that BH I'm pregnant. Sadly, my husband's income is quite unstable.
I'm trying to come up with ways of saving while still fulfilling my maaser duty. Could I use my maaser to pay for my husband's share of the rent when he can't cover it himself? (My main expense is actually paying for most of the rent). Would it be possible to add local taxes (in this case UK council tax) to my overhead expenses? Are there any other possibilities? I normally use to maaser to help poor people and a kiruv institution.
Many thanks in advance!
I would suggest that you you keep am exact record of how much maaser you have to deduct each month, Instead of giving the entire sum to poor people use some of the money to pay your pressing expenses. Beezras Hashem when things pick up and you have a stable income you can then repay the money you borrowed from the masser kitty.