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Orthodox Judaism vs Conservative Judaism


I need to find out the following: what are the differences in beliefs and observances between Orthodox Judaism and Conservative Judaism? Are there more differences or similarities? Is bar-mitzvah age the same or different in Conservative Judaism as it is in Orthodox Judaism? What would my son need to learn to qualify as an Orthodox Jew after having a Conservative Judaism bar mitzvah?



The Torah, both Oral and Written was given by G-d to the entire Jewish people at Mt. Sinai 3328 years ago. We have no permission from G-d to change these laws and Orthodox Jewry has and will always adhere to G-d's commandments. They have so remained unchanged over the centuries.

Jewish law stipulates that a boy becomes Bar Mitzvah on his 13th Jewish birthday.

If you and your son would like to learn more about Orthodox Judaism and G-d then please contact me further



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