If one is not able to say all 19 brachos of the Amidah due to not having a siddur, should he say the brachos that he knows, or should he not daven SE at all since the brachos are me'akev one another (they are all essential)?
If he already said the brachos that he knows, but not all 19 of them, is it permitted for him to eat, even though he is not fully yotzi SE?
If there are complete brachos that he doesn’t know , he has a big problem. If he will be able to get a siddur before the end of the next davening period, then he should wait and daven a double SE when he gets a siddur. The first SE for the correct teffilah and the second one as a make up SE for the one he missed. For example, in the morning, and he can’t daven shacharis, but he will get a siddur before sunset.
If he won’t be able to get a hold of a siddur until after the next davening period, he should daven whatever he knows.
Ahalicha B’amitecha (R’ B. Stern) 10-48, M:A 593-2, M:B ibid 2, Minchas Pitim E:H in Additions to O:CH siman 60, Eishei Ysroel 32—24,
And in the meantime he is forbidden to eat?
Sorry about that, I added the answer top that also.
Please explain yourself.
I was also asking about eating if he davened in a way that is not the full davening: "If he already said the brachos that he knows, but not all 19 of them, is it permitted for him to eat, even though he is not fully yotzi SE?"
The answer would be the same- if he doesn't have a way to daven properly because he doesn't have a siddur then he may eat, but if can daven properly he should daven first.
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