My Mother passed on Chol Hamoed Pesach (April 13th – 17th Nissan) and I need help calculating sheloshim. Please and thank you.
The shloshim is counted from the day of the burial (for those that were at the funeral). That day is day 1, and on day 30 is the shloshim. The shloshim ends after daybreak of day 30. If you let me know the day of the burial, I’ll calculate it for you.
Shach Y:D 402-5
Thank you for your reply: The date of burial was April 16th, 2017
I am assuming that the burial was during the day, therefore the shloshim will be on the 19th of Iyar, the 15th of May.
Hamakom yenachem eschem b’toch shar aveili tzoin v’yerushalayim.
Thank you
My father passed away on November 17 during the daytime. he was also buried that day on November 17. When does shloshim begin and when is it over? Thank you so much.
Hamakom yinachem eschem btoch shar aveilei trzion vYerushalayim.
The sheloshiim already began the day you stood up from shiva, and it goes until the morning of the second day of Rosh Chodesh Teves, Dec. 16.
My mother passed away during chol hamoed Sukkot on Wednesday October 4, and was buried in the day of Friday October 6.
We live in UK and shiva started Sunday October 8.
When is shloshim finished please?
It would be on Shabbos כ’ חשון, November 4th. Hamakom yinachem eshchem b’toch shar aveieli Tzion v’Yerushalayim.
Amen and thank you!
My mother passed away on November 19,2023 and was buried on November 20,2023. When is shloshim finished please?
Hamakom yinachem eschem b’toch shar aveilei tZion VYerushalayim.
The Seloshim ends on Tuesday morning December 19th.
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