During the year of aveilus is it permitted to go to the engagement of a great nephew (my brothers grandson)?
There are different opinions to this. However he opinion of R’ S. Z. Auerbach zt”l is, that it permitted for the avel to go to say mazal tov, to taste something and then to leave. However if there is music or dancing then he may not be there at all.
Mishmeres Shalom 60, Minchas Shlomo 2- 96-12, Pnei Baruch teshuvos From R’ S. Z. 3, also brought in ohel Yackov Aveilus pg. 94.
Additional reading:
- Swimming/ going to the beach or pool during after shiva
- Aveilus listening to wife's piano playing
- Can I attend a retirement dinner, accept appreiciation gift durng the year of aveilus?
- Can I travel to Israel during my year of Aveilut for my father z'l
- playing piano during aveilus
- Can a person in aveilut for a parent attend a chuppah?
- Shabbos meal during year of aveilus for a parent