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Naming a baby after someone of the opposite gender


Are there problems with naming a baby after someone of the opposite gender (already done, curious if it's a problem and how to address it). The name is not the same name, but rather it's a derivative of the name and tweaked into a boys name...but the intention was too name after the boy's grandmother. Thanks


It is common practice to name a grandchild etc. and alter the name to fit the opposite gender, such as naming Yehudis after Yehuda, or Shalom after Shulamis. There are however some opinions that are against it, however if there is a need one my certainly do it, especially if it is in within the family.

It is improper however to give the same name itself, if it is a name of the opposite gender.


Yad Ephrayim 32, Otzar Habris Chap.11, Shem Garem 6-27, 28.

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