I just recently graduated from college, finally coming off my parents payroll as they like to say. I spent this summer working at an internship and driving for Uber/Lyft, with the goal to save money for my upcoming year in yeshiva (which B"H I started just before Rosh Hashana). I spent the summer paying for my own rent, groceries, and car expenses (most of which were related to my side business as a driver), which ate into my potential savings; however, I was still able to save a decent amount to sustain myself for the year while I'm in Israel (and not making money). I would like to give Maaser on my summer earnings, but I'm afraid that giving the 10% that is customary will make money a bit more tight this year since I will not be earning income (save for a small scholarship I receive monthly), and that it would put me in a situation where I would need to ask (most likely my parents) for money. What's the proper amount I should give?
From what you are describing, it does not sound like to have to give maaser because you don't have that much money, ( unless you have a lot of money in savings), Therefore you should give a little money for tzedakah, but you don'y have to give a tenth.