I lit four chanukah candles instead of three.
You should blow out the last candle (the fourth one that you lit. The last candle is not a candle of mitzvah, as you already lit the three candles that are mehadrin for the third night.
Shut Haelef L'cha Sholomo 380, Kinyan Torah 6-51, Kovetz Halachos 3-1
Additional reading:
- Shamash on a menorah
- Doing an activity after a work day when it's time for lighting Chanuka candles
- Latest time to say Hallel and other Chanukah questions
- Lighting time - Chanuka
- Kabalistic purpose for oil left in the menorah cups for 'refuah"?
- Shaliach Lighting Menorah
- Going away for Shabbos Chanuka
But we do not blow out candles with our mouth?
Better not with your mouth.
Ohel Moshe 2/69; Mishnas Sachir 2/199 say that one is put out all the candles and then light the correct number.
Couldn't find it inside.
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