Can fish that was baked in a dairy oven by accident be used at a fleishige seuda? The oven was ben yomo of being used to cook milchigs. Can we use plastic keiliom at the seuda and serve the fish?
Yes. Even according to those who hold not to use an oven for milchig and fleishig, that would only be not to eat them together, but you are not eating the fish together with meat in regardless. You surely can serve the fish on plastic keilim, instead of using your fleishig ones for the fish.
Additional reading:
- Meat knife cut onions - status of pot
- Drinking out of a plastic bottle during a milk meal when it was used for a meat.
- 2 people eating at the same table
- drinking from milky cup after eating meat
- Mixed up meat and dairy pan
- Status of parve pan used to reheat dry chalavi food (e.g. cooked pancake)
- Kashering oven