If a parent is in aveilos, can they dance at their own child’s wedding?
Mazal Tov. You should have much nachas from the new couple. Regarding your question, during the year of aveilos, a parent may attend, dress in shabbos clothes and partake in the dancing of their child’s wedding.
Rema 391-3, Nachlas Shiva 2-17, Divrei Sofrim 391- ftnt 62.
Additional reading:
- Avelus for a child vs parent
- Does an Ovel daven for the omud on Rosh Chodesh
- Can a person in aveilut for a parent attend a chuppah?
- Accepting gifts during the first year of mourning
- ovel attending grandsons barmitzvah
- Can I invite guests for shabbat meal during year of avelut for my father
- Watching TV/playing games on tablet during Shloshim and the year