Are there any restrictions for a single person mourning a parent to attend a Shabbos or Yom Tov seudah during the year of mourning? For example, if he or she knows in advance that several other guests have also been invited, and so the seudah is likely to be very lively, should they decline the invitation?
Being that it is a regular shabbos seuda, and not a specific simcha, it is permitted.
Additional reading:
- Singing during aveilus
- Can I redecorate and change flooring in my dining room during year of aveilus?
- Can I attend a retirement dinner, accept appreiciation gift durng the year of aveilus?
- Can I travel to Israel during my year of Aveilut for my father z'l
- playing piano during aveilus
- Can a person in aveilut for a parent attend a chuppah?
- Shabbos meal during year of aveilus for a parent