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Delaying Mikva


Hi I live in a yeshiva campus where my father serves as rosh yeshiva. He doesn’t live on campus however he has a house where he comes together with the whole family and guest for shabbos. If I would go to Mikva Friday night it would be extremely obvious to all of them. Would I be allowed to push off hefsek tahara or if not can I allow a non Jew to put on makeup. Thank you


If your husband is really mochel then you can push off the hefsek a day.


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  1. “If your husband is really mochel then you can push off the hefsek a day.”

    A more practical suggestion might be to do the “hefsek” in its proper time, and then if need be, delay the “tevila” by one day.

    The reason to do the “hefsek” in its proper time, is that sometimes a change in plans occurs, and she might actually be able to go Friday night. However if she neglected to do the “hefsek” the previous week, then she will be forced to miss the opportunity that presented itself.

    1. You are right. There is another benefit in making the hefsek at the right time, that if there is an issue the first day, it will not really affect them, because she is not going at the end of the 7th day.

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