Is it permitted to play backround music in a cafe/take-out store?
Here is my question:
- The actual hetter to listen to music altogether is not clear; seemingly it is prohibited due to the gzeirah of Chazal in Gittin 7 for "Zecher L'churban"
- It appears that today's poskim are more lenient (maybe based on Ramah and others?) because it sort of "chills people out" - relieves stress etc.
- It would seem that this is also the heter to have background music playing while shopping in stores as is very common today (i.e attracts customers, creates pleasant atmosphere). In full-fledged, sit-down restaurants, however, it would seem that it is clearly prohibited as we see in the Gemara of MK that you can't hear music while drinking wine).
- Does this apply in a type of store that mainly is for quick pick-up of foods but also has a small sit-down area to eat quickly? There isn't even a sink to wash on a full meal etc. - There is only room to eat a quick danish or Ice cream... (My point is that there is no "kevius" in any way)
So, does this type of place fall into a regular store (as in grocery or seforim store) that plays music just to attract and/or to chill out customers? Or does it fall under a full-fledged restaurant (in which it would seem that it is clearly prohibited as we see in the Gemara of MK that you can't hear music while drinking wine).
It is better without the music, However according to what people are lenient nowadays regarding listening to music, and that they are makpid on this only during a meal with wine, then this would not be included in a meal with wine.
O:CH 570-3, M:B 570- 12, Shar Hatzion 23, Tzitz Eliezer 15-33.