I would like to hang a large cow head and large bull head in my kitchen. These are faux taxidermies. They are made of plaster and come in many different colors. I would like to purchase them in gold or in rose gold and hang the cow in the dairy part of my kitchen and the bull on the meat side of my kitchen. Along with the cow head, I want to hang a "dairy fresh" sign with a cow and along with the bull I would like to hang a butcher's block showing the different cuts of meat. In other words, it will be clear that I don't worship these cows. I see them as dairy sources and meat sources. Can I hang them in gold? Or can I least hang them in a non-metallic color. Thank you
Sounds interesting. There are no restrictions with doing this, because no one is going to think that it is for worshipping purposes as on one in our areas worship co or bull heads. Therefore you can get the in any color you like. (In jest I would say that you may not want to have a golden calf hanging in your kitchen)
Y:D 141-7, Shach 30.