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Onah for Veset While Nursing


My veset came back around 11 weeks after birth (possibly bec. I was giving too many bottles) Then I started nursing again more often and so far it has not returned again. (I am not expecting) My baby is 4 months now. It may not return again until I stop nursing at around a year or so. Do I need to keep the onos (30 and 31) throughout this year bec. of this one time that the veset came or can I forget about it


You don't have to keep onot for the whole year, but you do have to keep the regular onot for this period. Meaning that you keep 30, and 31, but you do not have to keep the haflagah, because it is the first one after birth and it isn't considered as between two periods. In he event that you will not see for the next 60 days, you will not have to check on day 60.


Pardes Simcha Y:D 189-33(95), Mareh Cohen pg. 161. Badei Hashulchan 189-33 D:H Shetireh, Y:D 189-33, Shulchan Aruch Horav 189- 114, Igros Moshe Y:D 4 17(2), Shiurei Shevet Halevi 189-33(5).

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