Does an Ovel daven for the omud on Rosh Chodesh?
An ovel does not daven on Rosh Chodesh since it is a day that we don’t say “lam’natzyach”. There are different opinions regarding an avel davening maariv, but the minhag seems that they do not daven even for maariv
Mishna Berura Mamer Kaddishim, Divrei Sofrim 56-52, 53,54
Additional reading:
- Avelus for a child vs parent
- Accepting gifts during the first year of mourning
- Avel visiting married children
- ovel attending grandsons barmitzvah
- Learning mishnayos for two people
- Can I invite guests for shabbat meal during year of avelut for my father
- Watching TV/playing games on tablet during Shloshim and the year