May one wash negel vasser over dishes in the sink?
One should be careful not to wash negel vasser over dishes in the sink, because they will have to be washed (once) afterwards. If someone knows that whatever is in the sink will be washed then there is no concern about it.
Halichos Shlomo (Teffilah) 20 ftnt .11, Eishei Yisroel 2 ftnt. 72.
Additional reading:
- Waking up early and washing hands
- Drinking from a pot of water put up by a Yid that didn't wash Negel Vasser
- Chatzitzah for hand washing after the bathroom
- Washing hands into sink that has dishes
- When to say netilyat yadayim/asher yatzar in morning
- Handling object placed in mouth before netilas yadayim after awakening
- Negel vaser water