- What is the correct name - Shmarya or Shmaryahu (also Yeshaya or Yeshayahu)?
- Also, what is the source and meaning of the name?
- (On the Chazon Ish’s matzeiva it says “R’ Avraham Yeshayahu Ben R’ Yosef Shmary’ (with an apostrophe) and on his brother R’ Meir it says Ben R’ Yosef Shmaryahu....)
- It depends on how the person was named and how he is called. See Bais Shmuel “Shin” 24.
- There was a Shmarya mentioned in Ezra 10-4, and in Divrei Hayomim 2-12(19) one of the sons of Rechavom had the name Shmarya.I haven’t seen what the meaning of it is.
- The name of the Chazon Ish’s father’s name was Shmaryahu Yosef. According to a member of his family, the reason why it doesn’t end with a “vav” is only because they wrote the name with an abbreviation.
little mess up where answer has the question and sources has the answer
Corrected, thanks
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