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Inherited IRA and giving maaser


My situation and then the question:
I am 69 years old and retired. I was recently diagnosed with cancer. My only family (3 siblings) live out of state.

My social security and disability income (unrelated to cancer) meets a portion of my monthly expenses. I have been making withdrawals from my 401k to cover the remaining expenses. My 401k will last approximately more two years at this current rate.

I just inherited funds, some directly into an inherited IRA and some funds as cash. I have started using the inherited cash rather than withdrawals from my 401k to meet current expenses.

If my expenses remain exactly the same and without accounting for inflation, increased expenses for medical or other reasons, my current funds may last between 15 and 24 years. This is either longer or shorter than I will last.

Within my income and savings currently fixed, and the possiblity that I will outlive my savings, should I give 10% on my fixed income and entire inheritance as maaser? Should I make any deductions for expenses before calculating maaser?
Thank you so much for your reply.


H-shem should send you a refuah sheleima

Regarding your question, since you have a significant amount of money, you should give maaser from all of your earnings. If you are afraid that you since you don’t have a steady income, that your money may run out, you can give the maaser money to a gemach (free loan association) to lend out to other people, with the intention that if you run out of money that you will ask them to return the money to you, and if you don’t need the money that it is a gift to the gemach.

Best Wishes

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