I have some fleishig china dishes that I would like to give away. Is it a problem if the person who I give it to may use it for milchig?
Thank you.
Tell them that it is fleishig and that it isn’t meant for milchig.
Additional reading:
- Drinking out of a plastic bottle during a milk meal when it was used for a meat.
- 2 people eating at the same table
- drinking from milky cup after eating meat
- Mixed up meat and dairy pan
- Coffee spilled on Fleishig bowl
- Cooked a parve food in a parve oven with a fleishig pan and parchment paper
- Microwave milk and meat issue
Given the specifics of the question, was the answer not meant to be:
“Tell them that it is fleishig and that it isn’t meant for milchig.”
Thanks for the correction
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