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Evidence if Yetzias Mitzrayim and Jews in the Midbar


Hello, we are coming up to passover where we celebrate the Jews leaving Egypt. A few things about this are troubling to me. Would you perhaps have any more information on the questions below.

1) Although an ancient Egyptian historian may not have recorded the Egyptian downfall, as the common way of historians was at that time to only record the good things about your nation, how come there is no real record of the Jews having lived and served as slaves in Egypt?

2) As well, once we left, why is there is no evidence recorded of the Jews in the desert where everyone of that generation died. piles of dead bird carcasses or other traces of their travel through the desert

3) How come we do not know for certain where Har Sinai is. If this was the start of our faith, then how could the actual physical location be so unimportant at that time as to forget it?

Thank you very much for your time.


    1. What do you mean no real record, it is written in the bible, which was known to millions who lived at that time, and was handed down in an unbroken chain since then. Would American’s need to find evidence about the revolutionary war from British history books?! Besides, there is evidence to their being slaves and that they had numerous plauges. Additionally, I would recommend that you read Biblical Archeology- Vol.  1, by Rabbi Zamir Cohen. He brings several findings from the Egyptian’s about this.
    2. There is evidence from papyruses of that time, please see the following link, where tis was discussed.  Again see Biblical Archeology- Vol.  1 pg. 253 about evidence of a large amount if organized graves, and that those in the graves were buried and not killed in a battle. There is also evidence of houses that were built, grindstones, and evidence of flocks of sheep.
    3. The reason we don’t know for certain where Har Sinai is simply because the Jews left that part of the desert and they didn’t return there, because there was no need. The Jews never felt a need to keep track of Har Sinai or to the other historical places in the desert, because they had no doubts about the authenticity of the giving of the torah, and the other stories related there. Tey had the Aron hakodesh with them, they had the mishkan, where the divine presence rested, and they didn’t need anytihing else. As a side point there is a story related in Babba Basra 74a about an amora that was shown Har Sinai by one of the people that dwelled in the desert in that area.

I hope this make things clear.


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1 Comment

  1. In addition the rabbi’s valuable comments, I’d like to add, if I may:

    As of 1997, Randall Price wrote in “The Stones Cry Out” that 450,000 cuneiform tablets had been unearthed and NOT translated. This means that no one has read them.

    450,000. And that’s just the ones they found. They can’t find everything.

    This is a problem across archeology all areas. They do not read/translate everything they find because they lack the manpower to do so.

    So there could be several detailed records of the Exodus lying in storage, but no one has read them yet.

    Also, Egypt does not like archeologists proving the Torah’s narrative, so they make it difficult for such archeologists to work exactly where much of the original action took place.

    There are other strong indications of the Torah narrative, but mainstream archeologists often dismiss or minimize evidence because they oppose the Torah narrative and certainly don’t want to validate it.

    Thank you for this wonderful site.

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