If one is learning In a Bais Midrash may he drink or even eat something
A person that is learning in a Bais Midrash may eat or drink there because it is considered tzorech mitzvah, because otherwise if he would have to go out, it would cause him to waste time, therefore it is permitted.
Magen Avrohom 151-2, M:B 151-7, Biur Halacha 151-1 D:H V’ain Ochlin, Piskei Teshuvos 151-8.
Additional reading:
- Learning while entering a shul or beis medrash for other purposes
- חלונות בית הכנסת בצורת שתי וערב
- Is it halachically permissible to build a gym – cardio and weightlifting – in the bottom of a synagogue?
- Gay Couple in Shul
- Prayer upon entering & leaving the synagogue
- Shul
- Does a shul that has been converted in a museum still has some sanctity?
It might be helpful to qualify, that if the “Gabbaim” of the shul have a rule against eating/drinking in the “Bais Midrash”, then one would be obligated to follow the rule, and it would not be permitted.
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