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Is it permitted on Chol Hamoed to style a wig.


Is it permitted on Chol Hamoed to style a wig.


A wig may not be cut or set on Chol Hamoed. The reason is because it is considered a ma’aseh uman,- a skilled, professional type of work,  which may not be done on Chol Hamoed. Additionally, the poskim include this in the obligation to take a haircut before Yom Tov and the subsequent prohibition to do so on Chol Hamoed itself.

Touching up the wig, such as giving a light combing, which is something that all women can do, is however permitted.


HIlchos Chol Hamoed Responsa 14 from R’ Moshe Feinstein zt”l, and chapter chapter 6 ftnt.9 (Old edition) quoting other poskim regarding this. R’ Y. Cahen shlit”a

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