Would a glass that at the bottom is a straw (therefore no real bais hakibal) need tevila?
Interesting picture, but the glass here has a big bais kibul, as the tea collects in the glass like any other glass. Besides, a glass tray, which has no bais kibul also needs tevila with a bracha. The reason we tovel metal and glass is because of tumah of the goyim, but it has nothing to do with the regular halachos of tuma and tahara.
Best Wishes
Additional reading:
- Tevilat Keilim - Electronics with Stickers on Outer Surface
- Is it permitted to use a kli once before toveling it?
- Intention to toivel
- Tevilat keilim for somone elses things
- Do I need to toivel used glass jars?
- Tevilos Keilem for things toveled by store
- Is tarnish on a silver utensil a chatzitza by tevillas keilim?