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Is it true not to let a baby looks at itself in a mirror before its teeth start to come out?


Is it true that it is not proper to let a baby looks at itself in a mirror before its teeth start to come out?

Thank you very much


It is definitely not a halacha, however it seems that this is a minhag among many people. The source of this minhag is not known, it is one of those things that "the ladies" have been saying for generations, and this is what many people hear from their mothers etc. The Be'er Moshe 8-36 says that this is one of those minhagim that would be included in what the  Rashba said, that a person should not be mezalzel with the minhagim of the old ladies, because they surely have solid sources, even though we don't know their reason.


Be'er Moshe 8-36, Shailas Rav 1- chap. 15-2.

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