Is a person allowed to go a vort while in avelus?
You can go in for a short time to wish mazal tov, and even have something light such as a piece of cake or fruit. If there is music playing you can only enter to say mazal tov, and must leave immediately.
Best Wishes
Hilchos Aveilus pg. 218
Additional reading:
- Avelus for a child vs parent
- Does an Ovel daven for the omud on Rosh Chodesh
- Receiving Workplace Gifts during the Year of Mourning for a Parent
- Attending a football match during avelus for a father
- Do I say yiskor in first year of avel or not
- Can I invite guests for shabbat meal during year of avelut for my father
- Watching TV/playing games on tablet during Shloshim and the year