Can one turn on a washing machine a minute before shkiah erev rosh chodesh av if it will start then but finish well after nacht?
If it will finish after it is nighttime, although some poskim permit it, according to many poskim it is not permitted.
Shevet Hakehosi 1-171, Mbais Halevi 13 pg. 27, Nitei Gavriel 35-15, Ko9vetz Halachos 11-1.
Additional reading:
- My wife accidentially washed my pants. Is it okay to wear, bedieved?
- Washing clothing for children over 6 who soil their clothing and sheets during the 9 days
- Commercial Laundry, on Chol Hamoed and during the nine days
- Job Interview during the nine days
- Laundry during the 9 Days
- laundry in nine days that won’t be used for 2 months
- Washing baby clothes