- Is one permitted to swim together with his wife when she is tahor?
- Until what age can parents swim with their children of the opposite gender (in a private pool)?
- Would the halacha change if we assured that the girls wore bathing suits that fully covered them?
- A man may swim together with his wife in a private swimming pool when she is tahor.
- A father may go awimming with his daughter until the age of five -six, and a mother with her son until the age of three. This is because the son should not be seeing his mother dressed in a not tznius fashion.
- If they are wearing bathing suits that fully cover them, it is permitted for a parent to swim with their child, in a pool.
Halichos Bas Yisroel 7 ftnt. 39 in the name of R' S.Z. Auerbach zt"l