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Using A Milchig Bread Maker To Make Bread That Will Be Eaten With Meat


Shalom, is it possible to use my breadmaker for a recipi containing milk....and then use it later for a parve bread (to be eaten with meat) ?
p.s. - 24 hours will have elapsed, and breadmakers have a teflon non stick (and probably non-absorving) coating


My understanding of what you are saying is that there will be 24 hrs. from after the breadmaker is cleaned until when it will be used for the next bread. This being the case it will be a nat bar nat and eino ben yomo. The Chochmas Adom 48-2 says in retrospect if the bread was already made, then it may be eaten with meat, however, it shouldn't be used with the intention to eat the bread with meat, unless there aren't other options, such as you can't borrow someone else's pot (which will not really apply here, as it isn't easy to borrow someone else's breadmaker). Therefore I would suggest, that if it is possible to kasher the breadmaker, by waiting 24 hrs. then filling it up with water, until the water comes to a nice boil, that would be best. However if ths can't be done, (it will break, or physically it has holes etc.) then you may use the breadmaker for the pareve bread, and rely on the fact that you don't have another option.

Best Wishes

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  1. Hello, I have a similar question.

    I have a meat crock-pot and a milk crock-pot. I usually use the milk crock-pot to prepare vegan/pareve meals - every few months I use it for a dairy meal.

    If I am I making a meat meal for Shabbos and I want to serve 1 meat and 1 vegan dish, can I prepare the vegan meal in the milk crock-pot and serve it with the meat meal? It has not been used in about a month.

    Thank you.

    1. In retrospect, food that was already cooked in a pot that wasn't used for milk in a while can be eaten together with meat, however we don't prepare it originally in a milky pot in order to eat the two together. If you are serving them as separate courses then it is permitted. (Note- This is in accordance with the Ashkenazi custom.)

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