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Can I make a shachris minyan and Bris in a Conservative temple?


Can I make a shachris minyan and Bris in a conservative synagogue which no longer has any services on a regular basis ( I am not sure about the high holidays). If not, would the hallway be any different?


R’ Mםshe Feinstein Zt”l writes that we are not allowed to make a minyan in a conservative temple, even if it is in a differant room. This is because it appears like the people are going to pray together with them


Igros Moshe O:CH 3-25, O:CH 4-91(6).

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  1. The question noted that the conservative temple no longer has any services on a regular basis.
    So it would seem that R’ Moshe Feinstein’s concern about it looking like the people are going to pray together with them, would not be applicable.

    1. But going in there still looks like he is going into the temple to daven. Not everyone knows that they don’t have any more services.

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