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making amends for lashon hara part 2


continuation of previous asked question.(not sure this one should be posted):
few questions about your answer: a) when you say in the place of the comment, how specific is that? is the same building good?
b) it it based on the hilchos of kabbolas lashon hara, that if no one accepted it or looks down because of it, it’s bein adam limakom?
finally, i’m not sure which requires mechilah. these are the ones I remember:
1)I once told over a story of a gadol responding to a letter with a bunch of marei mikamos referring to amei haaretz. I don’t know if it’s actually negative, but I think it’s better not said, and i’m not sure how it was received. (similar situation with the story behind milchemes hashem by the ramban on the rif, nothing wrong, but not sure how recieved)
2)I once got very frustrated during a seder, and said to my chavrusa “I give up(and I don’t remember the exact words, but something like:) take that,[name of famous rabbi who always said not to give up]”
3)the worst one, several years ago in high school, a rebbi once said over a story of how the son of a certain gadol who became chassidish and his father sat shiva.the rebbi then told over a chassish vort form the son, who later became a rebbe, and I said that’s why the father sat shiva.
thank you for your patience



  1. I don’t know, but I would assume that that is fine.
  2. Definitely so, if the people were not mekabel the lashon hora and then it is considered that the person wasn’t negatively affected, and you don’t have to as miechila.
  3. My apologies but I don’t understand this question.
  4. From what you wrote here, please excuse me, but it doesn’t sound like you insulted that gadol, rather yourself, that you gave up. I don’t see what there is to ask mechila about for this.
  5. This last one is insulting, a convenient joke, but insulting nevertheless.

Best wishes




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