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misgareh b’umos


Could you please explain the concept of misgareh b’umos to me? (as much as possible)

Thank You


From your question it isn’t clear to me what you mean. There are two different uses for the term “misgareh b’umos”. One is used by the achronim to explain why the yetzer hora starts up with Klal Yisroel, but on the other hand doesn’t bother the goyim too much. The reason for this is because he sees that when the Jews do H-shem’s will, this brings out the opposite of what his job is, therefore he starts up with the Jews.

The other context that this term is used, is referring to the gemora in Kesubos 111a and one of the complaints that the Satmer Rebbe zt”l had on the founders of the State of Israel, that there were things that they are misgareh bumos. The concept as far as I know is that while Klal Yisroel is in galus, we are essentially under the power of the gentiles, and we are not to start up with them. His complaint against them, (among numerous other ones) was that they are doing things which provoke the nations against us, such as going up to the Har Habayis, fighting with them regarding whose land it is, etc. This is the general idea, but any more than this is not within the realm of what the type of question that this site addresses. If you want to learn more about it, see the Sefer Vayoel Moshe.

Best wishes

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