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Davening in Shul without a minyan


There is a mitzvah to daven in shul even if there is no minyan. Therefore, in the current matzav, is it OK to come to shul and daven there without a minyan?


In general it is better to daven in a shul even though there is no minyan there. The reason being is that it is a makom kadosh and a person’s tefillah is accepted better over there. Nevertheless, in the present health situation,(corona virus) it is more important to be careful with one’s health, and the health of other people then to daven in shul, therefore if going to shul presents a risk to either yourself or to others that are there, then you should daven at home.

Best wishes


Talmid Rabeionu Yona- Brachos 4a, Rambam Hilchos Tefillah 8-1, Shulchan Aruch O:CH 90-9, M:B 90-33..

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