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Tehillim at Night


Is it proper to say tehillim at night even during this time of tzora?


Yes it is proper to say tehillim at nigh during this es tzarat. In general, if you have the choice, it is better to say it by day, however it is permitted to say it at night, especially when it is an es tzara, or you are saying it for sick people, or otherwise davening.

May everyone have a refuah shleima


Shar Hatzion 138-1, Shut Levush Mordechai 2- O:CH 186, Pri Megadim M:Z 138,Maharsham 1- 158,  Kaf Hachayim 138-Btzel Hachoma 4-44, Orchos Rabeinu 1 pg. 979, Vayechei Yackov O:CH -9, Piskei Teshuvos 138-3.

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